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Inside This Article
1Export Northwind Access database to MySQL via ODBC
2Make northwind a true relational database in MySQL
3Restore northwind database from SQL dump
4Northwind database schema
5. Implement file directory based image management

Implement file directory based image management

Unlike Northwind in Access database where photos are stored in database tables, our MySQL northwind database will store employees photos and categories pictures in file directories. Only image file names (eg. seafood.gif) are saved in the Photo column. The actual image files are stored in file system.

Photos in Employees table The table below lists data of a few columns in employees table. It's a very simple exercises of PHP with MySQL but it demonstrates how easy it is to code when we only need to manage image file names in database and save the actual images in file directories.

This is how to do it:

  1. Create .gif files for category pictures and .jpg files for employee photos from Access Northwind database. I used Print Screen key (the key on your keyboard), Microsoft Paint, and PhotoShop's Save for Web.

  2. Save the image files to a directory on your computer or in a directory on your site.

    Click here to download all the images.

  3. Add image file names in Northwind database.

  4. Write a simple PHP loop to concatenate each employee data in a HTML table row and after the loop we display the table by simply embedding the concatenated $tr variable inside the HTML table. See code below:
// Assume you have define your mysql database parameters

// Connect to mysql server
$link mysql_connect($host$user$pass) or die("Could not connect to database"); 

// Select the database
mysql_select_db($db_name$link) or die("Could not select database"); 

// Select employees
$sql "select EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, Photo from employees";

// Fetch the result set
$result mysql_query($sql$link);

// Loop thru each employee in the result set and build html table row
while($row mysql_fetch_array($resultMYSQL_ASSOC))
$emp_id $row["EmployeeID"];
$fname $row["FirstName"];
$lname $row["LastName"];
$photo_filename $row["Photo"];
// Concatenate to create html table row
$tr .= "<tr><td align=middle valign=top>"$emp_id"</td>".
"<td valign=top>"$fname"</td>".
"<td valign=top>"$lname"</td>".
"<td valign=top>"$photo"</td>".
"<td valign=top><img src='/img/article/northwind/"$photo_filename"'></td></tr>";

<table cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 border=1>
    <th>Image file name</th>

Here is what the code produced:

EmployeeID FirstName LastName Image file name Photo

Photos in Categories table: By using a similar code, we can display pictures for product categories.

// Display categoris pictures
$sql "select CategoryID, CategoryName, Picture from "DB_NAME_NORTHWIND".categories";
$result mysql_query($sql$link);

$cat_row mysql_fetch_array($resultMYSQL_ASSOC))
$cat_id $cat_row["CategoryID"];
$cat_name $cat_row["CategoryName"];
$photo $cat_row["Picture"];
$cat_tr .= "<tr><td align=middle valign=top>"$cat_id"</td>".
"<td valign=top>"$cat_name"</td>".
"<td valign=top>"$photo"</td>".
"<td valign=top><img src='/img/article/northwind/"$photo"'></td>".

<table cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 border=1>
    <th>Image file name</th>

CategoryID CatgoryName Image file name Photo
4Dairy Productsdiary.gif

Here ends this article series. If you think I have missed anything that is better to be included, please let me know.

Happy Coding!


Inside This Article
1Export Northwind Access database to MySQL via ODBC
2Make northwind a true relational database in MySQL
3Restore northwind database from SQL dump
4Northwind database schema
5. Implement file directory based image management
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17.Export Northwind Access database to MySQL via ODBC

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2.Find duplicate values or non-duplicate values in a table
3.How to get Top 1 record from Oracle by using PL/SQL
4.How to get Top N rows from Oracle by using SQL
5.How the data types in Access Northwind are converted to Oracle
6.How to do cross table update in Oracle
7.Export Northwind Access database to MySQL via ODBC

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